EurOcean - The European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology is an independent, scientific, non-governmental organization comprised of leading European marine academic, research, funding and outreach organizations from various EU countries. EurOcean is the European focal point for information on marine science and technology and aims to facilitate information exchange between a wide range of governmental and non-governmental bodies and to generate value-added products and services in the field of marine sciences and technologies.
As leader of WP7, EurOcean has a major role in the communication, dissemination and exploitation in ECFAS, namely in the definition, development and implementation of ECFAS main communication, dissemination, exploitation and stakeholder engagement tools and actions, including user training and traineeships initiatives.
Dr. Ruth Higgins has a PhD in marine ecology, and has been involved in project management and science outreach for many years, in managing communication and dissemination WPs in other European projects, in engagement of stakeholders and end-users, organization of training activities, summer schools, workshops, conferences and multi-stakeholder events.