The Shoreline Analysis and Extraction Tool, SAET V 1.0 is a software developed in Python language focused on the automatic extraction of shorelines from optical satellite imagery (Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8). Its main algorithm is based on the shoreline sub-pixel detection approach, adapted from the SHOREX system (Pardo-Pascual et al. 2012 & 2018; and Sánchez-García et al., 2017). This software allows obtaining the pre-storm and post-storm shoreline, enabling to make a comparison and to detect the erosion impact of storms on low-lying beaches.
Take the Class
Study a Little
Now that you understand a little about forecast and hindcast of marine hazards for coastal flood management, you can read a little further via the following resources:
1. Storm Surge Overview. National Hurricane Centre and Central Pacific Hurricane Centre. 2022, accessed 25 November 2022,
2. SurgeWatch Glossary. 2022, accessed 25 November 2022,
3. Data Assimilation. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). 2022, accessed 25 November 2022,
4. Dodet, G., A. Melet, F. Ardhuin, X. Bertin, D. Idier, R. Almar, (2019). The contribution of wind generated waves to coastal sea level changes. Surveys in Geophysics, 40, 1562-1601, doi: 10.1007/s10712-019-09557-5
5. Woodworth, P.L., A. Melet, M. Marcos, R. D. Ray, G. Wöppelmann, Y. N. Sasaki, M. Cirano, A. Hibbert, J. M. Huthnance, S. Montserrat, M. A. Merrifield (2019). Forcing factors affecting sea level changes at the coast. Surveys in Geophysics, 40, 1351-1397, doi: 10.1007/s10712-019-09531-1
6. Fernández-Montblanc, T., Vousdoukas, M. I., Mentaschi, L., and Ciavola, P. (2020b). A Pan-European high resolution storm surge hindcast. Environment International, 135, 105367.
7. Idier, D., Bertin, X., Thompson, P., & Pickering, M. D. (2019). Interactions Between Mean Sea Level, Tide, Surge, Waves and Flooding: Mechanisms and Contributions to Sea Level Variations at the Coast. Surveys in Geophysics, 40(6), 1603–1630.
Test Yourself
For more information on the ECFAS Coastal Dataset see: