CEMS Week 2021 – Online

CEMS Week 2021 – Online

CEMS Week 2021 – Online

Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) hed a special week-long conference from 25 to 29 October. The virtual conference was organised by the European Commission and brought together experts, service users and policy makers from the emergency management community to discuss the Copernicus emergency services and their future.


Day 1 (Monday, October 25) was open to the public. You can watch the session again here if you didn’t manage to participate.

ECFAS took part in this session, with coordinator, Dr. Clara Armaroli, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia, providing an introduction to the service under the development, and giving updates on progress so far in a presentation entitled, “A European Copernicus Coastal Flood Awareness System: the H2020 ECFAS project.”

Other presentations included:

  • GHSL: Global Human Settlement Layer
  • On Demand Mapping: Rapid Mapping and Risk & Recovery Mapping
  • EFFIS: European Forest Fire Information System
  • EDO/GDO: European and Global Drought Observatory
  • EFAS/GLOFAS: European and Global Flood Awareness System
  • GFM: Global Flood Monitoring

Prof. Paolo Ciavola, Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca, participated in a further session on Thursday 28th, which was closed to the CEMS community. This presentation was entitled, “The ECFAS project framework for predicting coastal flooding: from hazard forecasting to flood mapping ECFAS.” Participation for the other days was by invitation.

You can find full information and the outline agenda for each day via the CEMS Week Webpage.

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