The 13th October marks the UN’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR). This day is designed to bring attention to global disasters and the tools and means needed to deal with them. This year’s IDDRR coincides with the mid-term review of the Sendai Framework, which has seven global targets and 38 indicators for measuring progress on reducing disaster risk and losses.
The Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) provides the overarching post-2015 policy framework for disaster risk reduction, management and response; identifies climate variability and change as a potent driver of disaster risk; and highlights the importance of implementation and coherence of instruments and tools relevant to DRR, including those on biodiversity, climate change and sustainable development.
Strengthening disaster risk governance for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery and rehabilitation is necessary, and fosters collaboration and partnership across borders, sectors, and institutions. This UN IDDRR focuses on one particular goal (Target G) of the framework, “Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to people by 2030.”
In fact, the UNDRR is in the process of gathering contributions to its upcoming Words into Action publication on Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems. ECFAS has submitted an application to contribute to this advice document, and you can read all about it here.
For more information on IDDRR, you can see the UN’s dedicated Concept Note.