Data Information Access Services
Copernicus provides five cloud-based platforms, Data and Information Access Services (DIAS), to facilitate and standardize access to Copernicus data.
Each DIAS provides access to different types of Copernicus data, allowing users to download, process and manipulate data and information as needed. This content is available as open source and/or pay-per-use content.
DIAS also allow users to host their own applications on the cloud, allowing for smooth and efficient transfer and sharing of information and data.
ECFAS will make use of the WEkEO DIAS. WEkEO provides access to Climate (sentinel 1), atmosphere (sentinel 2), marine (sentinel 3) and land (S5-P) data. WEkEO provides access to Copernicus data, and data from the various Copernicus Services. WEkEO also offers cloud-based processes and tools, including a pre-configures virtual machine, to support user-created services.
Watch this space for updates and information on ECFAS-specific services available through WEkEO.