ECFAS Rapid Mapping, will improve the Rapid Mapping and Risk and Recovery Mapping services of CEMS, adding coast-targeted products.
The ECFAS flood expert system will receive input from the CMEMS forecast of waves and sea levels, and using regional forecasts for flooding, will identify for which hotspots along the European coastline the thresholds are exceeded.
Once the storm threshold is exceeded, an algorithm inside the system will look for the most recent Sentinel image suitable for automatic mapping of the shoreline along a given coastal segment. The system will automatically implement a quality flag as well as tidal levels check. The same algorithm will repeat acquisition and mapping of the shoreline after the event.
Where the threshold is exceeded, a first estimation of the severity of the flooding produced by the incoming storm will be provided by the “Rapid Mapping” algorithm, based on the use of the flood map catalogue. The flood map catalogue will reside inside the DIAS and be integrated with LU/LC layers as well as population and infrastructure layers. Coastal impact assessment maps will be produced.
ECFAS will compare the forecasted event with probabilistic floods that have been constructed to provide the user with a first estimate of the severity of the flooding produced by the incoming storm.