D7.3 First report on communication and dissemination activities and key events. – Download it here from Zenodo.* |
This report is the third deliverable of Workpackage 7 – “Dissemination and Exploitation (visibility, transfer and shared benefits)” and describes the communication and dissemination activities and key events during the first twelve months of the ECFAS project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement number 101004211. The purpose of this document is to showcase the efforts of the project beneficiaries towards maximizing the visibility of the project and uptake and use of its results. The report outlines progress towards communication, dissemination, and exploitation, as they relate respectively to maximizing visibility and promotion of the project, sharing results, and facilitating and encouraging uptake of results. It describes how the Tools and Channels have been used, Target Audiences, Key Messages, and examines how the Key Performance Indicators are being used to monitor progress and impact. |
D7.5 Final report on communication and dissemination activities and key events. – Due early 2023 |
*Zenodo content is currently restricted and will be made publicly available as soon as possible.