D6.1 ECFAS platform architecture and design. – Download it here from Zenodo.* |
This document describes the ECFAS platform back-end architecture from the building to its deployment on to a DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) using cloud ready technology using adapted technologies (Kubernetes, dockers). One big challenge for building the ECFAS PoC is the integration of all algorithms developed within different work packages and partners using different informatic languages. The document also constitutes a guideline for the ECFAS partners. |
D6.2 ECFAS platform ready for demonstration activities. – Coming soon. |
D6.3 ECFAS platform validated and operational, maintenance and user manual. – Due early 2023. |
D6.4 Roadmap of ECFAS integration into CEMS. – Due early 2023. |
*Zenodo content is currently restricted and will be made publicly available as soon as possible.