Cite as: Sébastien Delbour, Vera Gastal, Josep Pardo Pascual, Jesús Palomar Vázquez, Carlos Cabezas Rabadán, & Clara Armaroli. (2022). GUIDE 03: MAPPING PRODUCTS AND SHORELINE ANALYSIS, ECFAS project (GA 101004211), (Version 1). Zenodo.
GUIDE 03: MAPPING PRODUCTS AND SHORELINE ANALYSIS includes a brief description of the Mapping components of ECFAS that were developed to (i) improve the efficiency and performance of Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) On-Demand Mapping component through the provision of forecasted flood extent and impact layers in support of image analysis; (ii) implement new coast-targeted product such as the observation of shoreline displacements (beach erosion impact) in the aftermath of a storm event and beach recovery analysis using Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8-9 satellite images.