Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS), France

CLS is a subsidiary of the French Space Agency (CNES) and CNP, is a world leader in satellite services for environmental monitoring. With headquarters in Toulouse and 12 companies and offices spread over 30 sites worldwide, CLS specializes in delivering institutional and commercial satellite-based services to institutions, public authorities and commercial operators on a global scale. 


CLS leads WP6 in the development of proof-of-concept of Integration into CEMS. It also contributes substantially to WP2 in the identification of users’ requirements, to WP4 with satellite altimetry data expertise and specific product delivery, and finally to WP5 in the calibration and validation of flood modelling, the selection and verification of the impact assessment method as well as the mapping products to be proposed to future users of ECFAS module.

Team Leader

Dr. Claire Dufau is a multidisciplinary French engineer with a PhD in oceanography. Her scientific expertise includes sea level monitoring with satellite altimetry, ocean modelling and data assimilation. She leads the “Ocean and Coastal Application and Projects” team within the Environmental and Climate Monitoring Unit of CLS. This team develops satellite-based monitoring, alert and decision-helping services dedicated to coastal territories.