Continued, enhanced ocean altimetry and climate monitoring from space Conference

Continued, enhanced ocean altimetry and climate monitoring from space Conference

Continued, enhanced ocean altimetry and climate monitoring from space Conference

The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) are pleased to announce new dates for its important altimetry event. The conference will now take place from 31 October to 04 November, 2022. “Continued, enhanced ocean altimetry and climate monitoring from space” is a unique opportunity to explore the performances of the satellite altimetry constellation through the traditional Ocean Surface Topography Science Team meeting and also to provide a forum to reflect on user needs for future systems. The event will be held at the Palazzo del Cinema in Venice, Italy.

The “Continued, enhanced ocean altimetry and climate monitoring from space” Conference will embrace 2 related events.

2022 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) meeting | 31 October > 04 November
The yearly Ocean Surface Topography Science Team meeting includes plenary sessions, the splinter working sessions and poster sessions. In addition to the traditional in-depth analysis of TOPEX/Poseidon-Jason legacy missions, analysis from other missions bringing reciprocal benefits are welcome. This should be our first OSTST meeting after the launch of Sentinel-6A/Jason-CSA, special emphasis will be placed on this new mission.

International Doris Service Workshop (IDS) | 31 October > 02 November
This is a meeting for all those who analyse DORIS data, use products derived from DORIS data, or who are involved with the DORIS network. The meeting will highlight current developments and the status of scientific results that use DORIS data, and will provide a platform for discussion and coordination for future activities. The session will include oral presentations and posters.

The ECFAS consortium is planning to take part in this event. Mercator Ocean International will present, “CMEMS forecasting skills of extreme water levels at the coast along EU’s coastline.” More detailed information will follow soon…

Dates: 31 October to 4 November, 2022.
Location: Venice, Italy.
Further Information: Please see the event website.

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