The ECFAS Team is glad to announce that the pan-EU Flood Catalogue and the pan-EU Local Thresholds of Total Water Level (TWL) are now freely available to download from Zenodo. The products were developed in the framework of the ECFAS H2020 project.
The Flood Catalogue gathers flood and velocity maps for the European Union coast as well as their associated forcing parameters representing 15 storm scenarios. Flood models were developed using the LISFLOOD-FP model with a grid resolution of 100 m. The EU coast was divided into geographic regions embracing similar oceanographic conditions and subsequently into coastal sectors (528 sectors of 100 km alongshore length covering more than 95% of the European coast). The maps are associated with synthetic storms that are characterized by a specific extreme water level and storm duration.
The Flood Catalogue products are described in the recent publication:
Le Gal, M., Fernández-Montblanc, T., Duo, E., Montes Perez, J., Cabrita, P., Souto Ceccon, P., Gastal, V., Ciavola, P., and Armaroli, C. (2023). A new European coastal flood database for low–medium intensity events, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3585–3602,
The Thresholds of TWL include a report describing the methodology developed to identify local thresholds that were used to trigger the European Coastal Flood Awareness System developed in the ECFAS project. To this end, both a total water level triggering threshold and a duration threshold were identified. The product includes a .csv file that contains the values of the triggering and duration thresholds for all the ECFAS pan-EU coastal points (spaced from 2 to 5 km alongshore) and their coordinates.
You might also be interested in the following reports:
- Report on intercomparison between CMEMS and ANYEU-SSL modelling systems;
- Report on the calibration and validation of hindcasts and forecasts of total water level along European coasts.
The Flood Catalogue and TWL Thresholds are the latest products from ECFAS that have been made publicly available. You might also be interested in the newer version of the Shoreline Analysis and Extraction Tool SAET 4.0 (code and full description of the tool and open-source code in GitHub), in the Shorelines Dataset, and in the ECFAS Coastal Dataset that represents a single access point to publicly available pan-European datasets that provide key information for studying coastal areas.
Stay tuned for more!