Dr Regina Asariotis, UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), saluted ECFAS and its contribution to climate change adaptation during a recent side event of the COP27.
The event, “Cutting transport emissions and adapting to climate change with infrastructure: Insights from building the Trans-European Transport Network,” took place in the EU Pavillion during COP27 and addressed the new deliberated TEN-T Regulation that will strive for the climate proofing of the trans-European transport network.
Dr. Asariotis spoke about hazards, exposure and vulnerability of the crucial international transport infrastructure and how it is threatened by climate change and associated processes such as sea level rise and coastal flooding. Dr. Asariotis acknowledged the great importance of Early Warning Systems, mentioning particularly that developed by ECFAS, in reducing risk and economic losses to transport infrastructure in the face of climate change.
This theme reflects the ongoing work by UNECE towards improving climate resilience of the international transport network. You can find out more about how ECFAS has contributed to UNECE here.
You can see the recording of the session here: